Introduction to the kitchen
Itās been a long time since I build any personal project and Iāve decided to build a personal site so the internet would notice me to share some of my findings to help myself and others learn interesting stuff. As Richard Feynmann said:
If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you donāt understand it
P.S. Please donāt look at it as a much of educative article, more like personal opinion/experience. If you want to learn Astro, open the docs and follow the tutorial!
Iāve heard about Astro a lot before and even used it in one of my work projects, but I have never dived deep enough to figure out why people even need static sites and why not just build everything in React.
There are frameworks which provide Static Site Generation (SSG) and Server Side Rendering (SSR) like Next.js
, Nuxt
, Remix
, SvelteKit
and the good-ol Gatsby
, but I felt Astro is a frontier in pushing SSG to more like a web standard and wanted to learn about it more. Apart from the fact that it provides very comforting Developer Experience with native Markdown
and MDX
parsing and many integrations with plug and use approach for all things content, it also builds upon the new to web-development approach: Islands Architecture
Old cheeseās history
People were thinking about interactivity from the start. It made websites alive! And JavaScript provided that, even while being a tricky language. But as everybody probably thinks now, JavaScript could actually slow down userās experience. It is especially aparent on mobile devices as parsing and executing code even highly optimized by bundlers is consuming battery charge and taking the small network resources they have. Unlike images and static HTML which could be cached, JavaScript must be re-used and re-executed each time it loads
And as many would cite, if the page is slow, any website owner would suffer from losing its audience as it feels that the page is cheap and maybe even a scam. Plus to that, when using just Client-Side rendering like Vue or React provides you with, your website may not be as SEO-friendly and crawlable by Googlebot (although it betters over time).
Another drawback is, when loading a webpage, your users may see a sudden flash, maybe even prolonged one while any scripts load at all, which could ruin every experience.
Here I want you to understand a difference between two terms: Website
and Web applications
Client-side frameworks have received their growth because it became trendy to build Web applications
that are no less than real computer apps that you download an installer for, while being much more easy to work with. They were efficient at that: many approaches at reactivity made sure every new tool got better (for example modern approaching switch from VDOM to compilers)
Even more, there are apps that ship to desktop while running Frontend WebView under the hood, like Electron and Tauri. They are in the demand, and VSCode, Discord, Spotify, even FeedTheBeast Minecraft launcher are running Electron because it is easy to build after having experience with using these tools on frontend. Those have a very high degree of interactivity.
This is a Web Applications (By freepik):

And on the other side of the coin is Websites
. Those are news magazines, personal portfolio pages, blog sites, even e-commerce, documentation pages and so on. There are no complex logic behind them. They may use Wordpress or some other CMS, and even build with native JavaScript, as most of the content is really just HTML & CSS. At best, they may a custom mobile burger and some carousel with one Call to Action modal or a form that they donāt need huge Vue package for.
This is a Website (By freepik):

may not even require build step. There is not much dynamic info on them, so they could be easily cached.
Web applications
may update data each millisecond so you would keep track of your ad revenue. They may show you tens of dozens complex charts that you could look at, while running in your browser.
And so, to use React, Vue and other rendering libraries for the purpose of building websites, people have introduced Meta frameworks
like Next.js
for React and Nuxt
for Vue. Those meta frameworks are responsible for making experience with the technology applicable to build a landing page for your web app with providing developer to Server-Side render
their app, and then hydrate
every interactive part to the client. That means, instead of sending empty HTML
pages with modules to bootstrap the application at userās device expense, there would be a server-entry.js
file generated with express
or Nitro
under the hood to serve requests from Node
or other runtime.
It makes app faster to serve: your database and file system is much closer to the server, which reduces latency rather than fetching it from outside. Plus, server-side environment provides an ability to have secrets in it without them being easily leaked like it happens on the client. So, the app becomes more coupled and universal
Having mastered Vue, you could use that to build a e-commerce store that would mostly look like a bunch of HTML & CSS sprinkled with JavaScript, but with the speed of building with components, reactivity features and ecosystem, even when Vue is not much concerned with what all that is.
With Meta frameworks, all problems related with Time-To-Interactive metric, Seo, and flashes would seemingly be gone. But even though SSR can be cached and managed properly, having to adapt this mental model could be quite complex. Trying to dissect where components run and should run is a mental excersise. You can feel it most crucially in āthe new Next.jsā with React Server Components
Where do I put my code, on the server, or on the client?
Where do I get the data from db?
Is it safe here?
And it is easy to make mistakes, just how it may be easy to ruin your memory handling in C or run into undefined behaviour, while mistake could go unnoticed until it ruins someone elseās (or even yours) experience.
Molecular dishes at the rescue
Astro is different. There is a clear separation between what runs where. It is achieved through that paradigm:
Everything is either prerendered or ran on the server, and you may add JavaScript precisely where you want it.
So, everything is at your control. You may not give into a behaviour you donāt want, and Astro ensures this.
An example of this would be this tree of components:
1<ComponentA>2 <ComponentB>3 <ComponentC>4 <ComponentD client:load />5 </ComponentC>6 </ComponentB>7</ComponentA>
Here, ComponentD is hydrated to the client, means that the client-side logic inside would be working, but everything else is not. So, ComponentC would not have a clickable button or a working JS slider, and no JavaScript, secret API keys would be leaked to the other side.
Also, all Astro components are purely static and run on the server, so you have a capacity to import a database client, running your environment (like Node or Cloudflare Workers) API, using operating system and so on.
So, unless you specify explicitly to send component to the client, it would not be interactive. In SSR, that is reversed, which may not be a good way to handle building Websites
. And hereās where Astro shines.
Grab that!
Simple counter that works!
Sorry for that bunch of Vue bundle I got into your browser right now š However, you didnāt actually download it before you have seen it, because I added it like so, with a directive: <Counter client:visible />
. It works with IntersectionObserver
that tracks the elementās visibility on the screen, and if it is visible, it will hydrate it to the client
That makes Astro a meta-framework for every UI-library there is: Solid
, Svelte
, Preact
are no exceptions. It is simple and efficient, easily landing you all 100ās on Lighthouse score.
Astro prevents mistakes of leaking JavaScript, helps with in-built optimizations, provides an ecosystem of plugins and integrations for every task youād have at building and very thorough thourough documentation and warming community at Discord that helps.
So, hereās my path!
Mistook apples for oranges
I thought the fastest way to learn and actually use was to copy someone elseās template and build upon it. Astro Erudite as I was searching through github as it had everything that I wanted and more. So, I frivoulously cloned it and right away decided to switch UI kit to Daisy
as I see shadcn-ui
as a more SaaS-y approach to styling. That was my horrible mistake and a great blessing, since I spent an immeasurable amount of time trying to decode someone elseās code and decisions while swapping components one by one. At last, I ended with a half of enscribeās child and my own homunculus:
I wanted to learn more about Astro after finishing rebuilding this template, but at the end I just snapped and started my own project. I took a lot of inspiration and learning in parts which I didnāt understood well from it, so thank you the great Open-Sourcer!
So, hereās my take on Astro. You can get all the source snippets from the repo. Note that sometimes Iām citing partial snippets to show the main ideas, but the full code is always available there. Also, I use Astro v4.15.11
, so check your version to avoid inconcistencies and misinformation about newest practices.
Menu at the table!
To build a static website, you will come at some issues right away and some will come later. Hereās my full list (aside from the Astro itself, that the documentation help you will for):
- How to style it? šļø
- Where to get icons? š
- How to write in Markdown and stay interactive? šļø
- How to highlight code? š
- How to add client-side logic? š
- How to make it searchable? š
- How to store persistent data? š¾
- How to deploy it? š
- How to make it cool? š
That would be the contents of this article. Letās begin!
Instagrammy bacon and eggs
As a styling solution I decided to stick with Tailwind
as it is the fastest way to write CSS
. Some of it may look ugly, and it did, but whatās happened happened.
To get started, I had to enter just one command:
1pnpm astro add tailwind
Here, Astro CLI installed integration for me and created tailwind.config.ts
for me. You could use other name, for example solid
to install solid integration. Or you may have added @astrojs/tailwindcss
package yourself and put it into integrations:
1import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind";2
3// in config4integrations: [ tailwind() ],
For the UI-library, as I mentioned, I took daisyUI
which got me tinker with it for a bit before actually getting the way to use it, but in the end it was much worth it as I didnāt have to write many usable things from scratch and got an immensely good home-looking design for free, which would take ages to build from scratch.
Multiple icecream dressings
One of the most enjoyable things about Daisy is its inbuilt themes support. Take a look at the theme picker right here:
And Daisy has even more themes, although I would hesitate to add them all because the bundle size would grow a little.
This dropdown is built with the use of cool interaction based on MutationObserver
, which powers I lent for the first time. While my component renders a dropdown that changes a document data-theme
3<div4 class="dropdown"5>6 <div7 tabindex="0"8 role="button"9 >10 Button11 </div>12 <ul>13 {14 // render all themes from config15 => {16 return (17 // add data-theme to showcase new colors in a button18 <li data-theme={theme}>19 <div20 // give ids to add event listeners later21 id={`theme-switcher-${theme}`}22 >23 {theme}24 </div>25 </li>26 );27 })28 }29 </ul>30</div>31
32<script>33 const handleSwitchTheme = (theme: string) => {34 document.documentElement.dataset.theme = theme;35 };36
37 // add event listeners to switch document theme38 document.querySelectorAll(`[id^="theme-switcher-"]`).forEach((el) => {39 el.addEventListener("click", (event) => {40 event.preventDefault();41 const theme = ( as HTMLElement)?.parentElement?.dataset42 .theme as string;43 handleSwitchTheme(theme);44 });45 });46</script>
Script loaded in the document watches the changes and reacts with localStorage syncing, while loading the theme from it at first too:
1<script is:inline>2 const darkThemes = ["dark", "aqua"];3 const THEME_KEY = "theme";4 const getThemePreference = () => {5 // if saved return that6 if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") {7 const theme = localStorage.getItem(THEME_KEY);8
9 if (theme) {10 return theme;11 }12 }13
14 // grab user's preferred color scheme if not15 return window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches16 ? // must be synced on its own without config because I don't wanna17 // import themes into head on page load18 "night"19 : "autumn";20 };21
22 const getDocumentTheme = () => {23 return document.documentElement.dataset.theme;24 };25
26 const setDarkMode = (document) => {27 const theme = getThemePreference();28
29 document.documentElement.dataset.theme = theme;30 };31
32 setDarkMode(document);33
34 if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") {35 // creating observer instance.36 // when `data-theme` defined below changes, it syncs local storage37 const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {38 const theme = getDocumentTheme();39 if (!theme) return;40 localStorage.setItem(THEME_KEY, theme);41 });42
43 observer.observe(document.documentElement, {44 attributes: true,45 attributeFilter: ["data-theme"],46 });47 }48</script>
This is way too cool! š
One important thing about this approach is that I had to make script inline
and put it at the start of <body>
, so the website would not FART flicker when loading initially as it would load the script ahead before rendering the page.
means that Astro would not optimize my script and bundle it as a module
, but leave it as-is. It removes the ability to use TypeScript and import utilities from other parts of the project, but the importance here is to provide small as possible way to load the theme without any flickers.
Iāve got into a rut with this issue because I didnāt really know how page loading was done deep down, so I was putting the script below body, above body and finally at the end of the head to figure out what did not mess my page load and would not flicker. This highlights how important it is to get good with the basics.
Writing attractive invitations
As for typography, Daisy recommends using @tailwind/typography
package, which I went with. It is nice on itself, and very tweakable - for example when rendering markdown I wanted to remove this pluginās styles on <code>
blocks, and here its done with just one line:
1<div class="prose prose-code:not-prose">
Another thing I want to mention is cn
1import { clsx, type ClassValue } from "clsx";2import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";3
4export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {5 return twMerge(clsx(inputs));6}
I think you can add it literally in any project with Tailwind, since it is a live-saver as it does two things:
- It merges all classes with the way resembling
CSS specifity
- last one apply. - And it removes unnecessary classes when duplicates appear. For example, with
appearing, it would collapse them to justmx-2
. - It provides nice API to work with conditional classes instead of ugly
1<div className={cn("class-1 class-2", {2 "class-3 class-4": isSomeCondition,3})}>
Well, anyway, some may find it worse than &&
ās, but to each their own š
Looking for jar stickers
Every website probably needs icons, and almost every time I start a new project I look for a way to get them. Some people make a map like that:
1export const ICONS = {2 General: {3 Github,4 Twitter,5 Telegram,6 RSS,7 } // and so on8}
Some people use feathers
and add icons directly to their css.
Some people use Lucide
or Iconify
with inbuilt components for frameworks.
I have gone with it too, since Astro has an astro-icon
However, it required me to specify what icons I wanted to have, otherwise it warned me
that it would load them all in the bundle. I did so, and was quite unhappy:
1export enum IconSet {2 Catpuccin = "catpuccin",3 // other sets4}5
6export const ICONS = {7 [IconSet.Catpuccin]: {8 typescript: "typescript",9 // other icons10 },11} as const;
And in Astro config:
1import { ICONS } from "config";2
3import icon from 'astro-icon'4
5export const config = {6 integrations: [ icon({ icons: Object.values(ICONS) }) ], // map all used icons somehow7};
1<AppIcon set={IconSet.Catpuccin} name="typescript" /> <!-- type inferred -->
With that, I couldnāt even use this component in my UI-libraries code too. So, it became a mess.
Then, I stumbled upon @iconify/tailwind package
which makes tailwind
work with iconify through classes. Hereās how it looks:
1 plugins: [4 addIconSelectors({5 prefixes: ["line-md", "logos", "la", "game-icons"],6 }),
And in the code:
1<span class="iconify la--address-book"></span>
To render:
I made a small wrapper component in Preact (as I decided it would be my rendering tool)
for it, so I could tweak it later and find all my icons and also automatically add iconify
class, it is needed to not add all needed icon styles to every icon class and reuse just one:
1import { cn } from "@/lib/cn";2import type { FC, HTMLAttributes } from "preact/compat";3
4interface Props extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement> {5 className?: string;6}7
8export const Icon: FC<Props> = ({ className, }) => {9 return <span {} className={cn("iconify", className)} />;10};
If iād wanted, I would just use a class in my other UI component if I could not import this one there. Problem solved.
Restaurantās layout
Markdown is a very friendly way of writing articles. You could of course use a CMS with some inbuilt HTML editor, or use HTML directly to style it later, but it just adds unnecessary. With Markdown, you could write text that looks great even when looking at it unparsed, you could load it to Github and share with others in Telegram or have Obsidian store it.
For the purpose of building interactive blocks like the counter above, I have choosen to use @astrojs/mdx
integration. MDX is a language that provides the ability to run JSX in Markdown files. But in Astro, that is not all: you could run any framework component without it necessarily being tied to React or Solid. MDX has also a feature of substituing components to render.
Markdown is a first-class citizen in Astro. There are ways to render it to the user: you could use .md
or .mdx
file extension in pages/
folder like so:
1project2āāāāpages3ā ā index.astro4ā ā
Or as a bunch of files later fetchable with import.meta.glob
1const blogPosts = import.meta.glob("./blog/*.mdx"); // gets all files in blog directory ending with *.md2
3for (const post of blogPosts) {4 console.log(post);5}
But recommended approach is to use Content Collections
. It is a framework-specific feature with reserved content/
folder at src
directory of the project. Hereās my content/
while writing this article:
There is one important file: config.ts
that looks like so:
1import { defineCollection, z } from "astro:content";2
3const postsCollection = defineCollection({4 type: "content",5 schema: ({ image }) =>6 z7 .object({8 title: z9 .string()10 .max(60, "Title should be 60 characters or less for optimal Open Graph display."),11 description: z12 .string()13 .max(155, "Description should be 155 characters or less for optimal Open Graph display."),14 date:,15 image: image(), // here is an `image` zod object by Astro16 // we could check whether image has required dimensions for example like so:17 // image().refine(image => image.width === 1200 && image.height === 630, {18 // message: 'The image must be exactly 1200px Ć 630px for Open Graph requirements.',19 // })20 imageAlt: z.string(),21 tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),22 draft: z.boolean().optional(),23 })24});25
26export const collections = {27 posts: postsCollection,28};
Here, I give an example of using image()
zod validator from Astro, but in the end I have decided to not have images in my blog. I think it is unnecessary for users to download some 500kb and look at blank screen outside the preview when reading technical stuff.
uses defineCollection
helper alongsize re-exported zodās z
to build type-safe schemas for blog posts. Then, it is important to re-export collections
constant for astro to notice it. When you start your project with astro dev
or run astro sync
directly, it would generate types for your collection to use in the project:
1import { getCollection } from 'astro:content'2
3const posts = await getCollection('posts') // of type CollectionEntry<'posts'>
And hereās my frontmatter
- a metadata of the post:
1---2slug: "astro-blog-from-scratch"3title: "Cooking static blog with Astro"4description: "There's many ways to build a static site. I've gone with Astro and want to share what DX I had and what paths I took."5date: 2024-06-106image: "./Preview.jpg"7imageAlt: "A Vitruvian man with head as Astro logo and Penis as Vanilla JS script holding Tailwind, Daisy, Solid and Shiki, with legs as Lighthouse & Robots.txt logo"8tags: ["astro", "shiki", "markdown", "seo", "tailwind", "lighthouse", "mdx"]9draft: true10---
I used a slug
property myself, but Astro generates it automatically from file name. I wanted more consistency and control here, since later I would like to save some data in db for each post.
Then, we could render posts as a list of links:
1---2import { getCollection } from 'astro:content'3
4const posts = await getCollection('posts')5---6
7<ul>8 Links to articles:9 {10 => <li><a href={`/blog/${post.slug}`}>{}</a></li>)11 }12</ul>
And use dynamic routes
to render each one:
1---2import type { GetStaticPaths, InferGetStaticPropsType } from "astro";3import { getCollection } from "astro:content";4
5export const getStaticPaths = (async () => {6 const posts = await getCollection('posts')7
8 // we statically generate an array of each param:props key-value pairs9 // that Astro will use to generate [slug].html files later10 return, ix) => {11 return {12 params: { slug: post.slug },13 props: { post },14 };15 });16}) satisfies GetStaticPaths;17
18interface Props extends InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticPaths> {}19
20const { post } = Astro.props; // type-inferred { post: CollectionEntry<"posts"> }21const { Content, headings, remarkPluginFrontmatter } = await post.render();22---23
24<Content />
From render
method we receive <Content>
component that we could directly use in Astro markup,
list of all headings flattened out and remarkPluginFrontmatter
that carries data we passes to it (for example, from readingTime plugin).
As this is all generated upfront, we could include complex logic to fetch data from CMS
, run CPU-intensive tasks like sorting or optimizing, and this would not hurt our users experience.
Combining the kitchenās efforts
As the browsers canāt render Markdown natively, there should be a way to convert it to HTML.
Astro uses Unified
for parsing markdown under the hood.
Unified is a toolset for processing Markdown, MDX, human-text and other types of content into AST
ās (Abstract Syntax Trees) and vice-versa - transforming them back and forth between each other to give you the result you need. It gives developers a lot of flexibility to customize how the content goes from being an .mdx
file to HTML being presented to the user.
There are two remarkable libraries in this ecosystem I needed: remark
and rehype
. Remark
is a markdown processor, while rehype
is an AST
processor. For example, hereās the remark
plugin recipe
from Astro
docs, that adds
reading time to articleās metadata:
1import type { Root } from "mdast";2import { toString } from "mdast-util-to-string";3import getReadingTime from "reading-time";4import { filter } from "unist-util-filter";5
6export function remarkReadingTime() {7 return function (tree: Root, { data }: any) {8 // filter out code blocks from reading time9 const textOnPage = toString(filter(tree, (node) => node.type !== "code"));10 const readingTime = getReadingTime(textOnPage);11 // readingTime.text will give us minutes read as a friendly string,12 // i.e. "3 min read"13 data.astro.frontmatter.readingTime = readingTime.text;14 };15}
It removes code blocks from a tree, then converts a tree to text to calculate the reading time from it.
As for rehype
, I havenāt wrote a plugin myself as I didnāt need too: the ecosystem provides them at large.
I used those four guys:
for making headingās slugs to later target them in links via #headingrehype-autolink-headings
to add links to headings, so users would be able to click on them and share with othersrehype-sectionize
to addsection
tags wrapping each heading to make it easier to target and style and for better SEOrehype-external-links
to addrel="nofollow"
to external links and style them accordingly
Also, thereās rehype-pretty-code
for handling and styling code blocks which I tried to use, but it doesnāt support multiple themes with MDX
yet because of some unknown bug, so I had to put it down for something else: about this in the next section.
To parse MDX itself thereās an integration @astrojs/mdx
that works with all remark and rehype plugins. When used, it receives all options passed to markdown
property in the config, so thereās no need to copy them:
1 markdown: {2 syntaxHighlight: false,3 remarkPlugins: [remarkReadingTime],4 rehypePlugins: [5 [rehypeSlug, rehypeSlugOptions],6 rehypeSectionize,7 [rehypeExternalLinks, { target: "_blank" }],8 [rehypeAutolink, { behavior: "wrap" }],9 ],10 },11
12 integrations: [13 mdx(), // all plugins copied here automatically14 ],
Exquisite solyanka
1const explanation: &'static str = r#"2 Solyanka (also spelled sel'yanka) is an old Russian national soup dish.3 The word "solyanka" has a figurative meaning in Russian as4 'mishmash', 'hodgepodge', 'disorder',5 'diverse mixture of the most diverse, hetergenous elements'6"#
As a programmerās education resource, I was of course obliged (unlike certain linkedin
fella) to make working with code blocks
as smooth as possible. That meant syntax highlighting, line numbers, diffing, copy button and so on.
For highlighting code there exist two libraries that I know of: Prism
and Shiki
. First of all, Shiki is a cool name, second of all, Prism seemed quite outdated and abandoned, and third of all, this Anthony Fuās article convinced me that it was great.
Shiki, contrary to Prism, works not only at the client, but ahead of the time compiling at the server too, and it is actually used in VSCode
as a highlighter, so great support and high amount of themes to choose is imminent.
You could write a plugin yourself, but it would be a lot of work of course.
plugin I mentioned above is a great one as it provides
almost all the features I needed out of the box, but the problem I mentioned was a big turn-off for me as I wanted to do multiple (2 YEAH!)
themes instead. At the time I was trying to make it work and stumbled upon expressive-code
is a library that is used under the hood in Astro Starlight
documentation template.
Out of the box it was way cooler than rehype-pretty-code
and there was no issues at all. I even wrote my own plugin to blur some lines like that:
3 anotherSecret4} from "@expressive-code/core";15
since it didnāt have its own. Here:
1import { type ExpressiveCodePlugin } from "@expressive-code/core";2import { addClassName } from "@expressive-code/core/hast";3
4export interface PluginBlurSettings {5 blurredLines: Record<number, boolean> | undefined;6}7
8declare module "@expressive-code/core" {9 export interface ExpressiveCodeBlockProps extends PluginBlurSettings {}10}11
12export function pluginBlurLines(): ExpressiveCodePlugin {13 return {14 name: "Blur lines",15 baseStyles: `16 .blurred:before {17 content: "";18 position: absolute;19 top: 0;20 left: 0;21 width: 100%;22 height: 100%;23 background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);24 z-index: 1;25 backdrop-filter: blur(4px);26 }27
28 .blurred {29 position: relative;30 }31 `,32 hooks: {33 preprocessMetadata: ({ codeBlock: { metaOptions, props } }) => {34 // Transfer meta options (if any) to props35 const range = metaOptions.getRange("blurredLines");36
37 if (range) {38 // Init hashmap to store all blurred line numbers39 const blurredLines: Record<number, boolean> = {};40 // Match all pairs with regex41 const matches = range.matchAll(/(\d+-\d+)|(\d+(?!-))/g);42 for (const m of matches) {43 const value = m[0];44
45 // Check if it is a range46 if (value.indexOf("-") > -1) {47 const [start, end] = value.split("-").map(Number);48 if (end <= start) throw new Error("Invalid range");49 for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {50 blurredLines[i] = true;51 }52 continue;53 }54 // Else it is a single number55 blurredLines[Number(value)] = true;56 }57
58 const map: Record<number, boolean> = {};59
60 props.blurredLines = blurredLines;61 }62 },63 postprocessRenderedLine: ({ codeBlock, renderData, lineIndex, line }) => {64 if (codeBlock.props.blurredLines) {65 // use lineIndex to check if it should be blurred66 if (lineIndex + 1 in codeBlock.props.blurredLines) {67 // add blurred class to the line68 addClassName(renderData.lineAst, "blurred");69 }70 }71 },72 },73 };74}
And in config:
1import expressiveCode from "astro-expressive-code";2import { pluginBlurLines } from "./plugins/expressive-code-blur";3
4// in config5 expressiveCode({6 plugins: [... pluginBlurLines() ...],7 }),
Full API example is referenced here
To add multiple themes, I just modified my script that was setting the main theme to support dark/light modes with another data attribute on <html>
1const getCodeTheme = (theme) => {2 const codeTheme = theme in darkThemes ? "ayu-dark" : "rose-pine-dawn";3 return codeTheme;4};5
6// when setting the theme7{8 const theme = getDocumentTheme();9 if (!theme) return;10 const codeTheme = getCodeTheme(theme);11 // set code-theme data attribute12 document.documentElement.dataset.codeTheme = codeTheme;13 localStorage.setItem(THEME_KEY, theme);14}
gave me highlights, line numbers, diffing, copy button and pretty wrappers for blocks instantly without any investment, which I liked and went along with it. The library may miss some extended features, but it is amendable with plugin API and explanations the docs provide.
One more thing about code blocks: They have Jetbrains Mono
font, which I think makes code a bit more readable, provided by fontsource
like so:
1---2import "@fontsource-variable/jetbrains-mono";3---
DIY noodles
Caloric-intake drama
For making app interactive, I went with writing some vanilla JavaScript, because I wanted to freshen my knowledge and make things as primitive as they could be, and also the bundle size demon had me in his hand.
As most frontend people are obsessed now with the problem of JavaScript bundle size, I thought it would be important to handle this most efficiently. I wanted to not include any more logic than I had to, and would decline any attempt of sane thoughts to persuade me into using a UI library. But you will see what catharsis few paragraphs ahead.
Withdrawal symptoms
One the most complex interactions was I couldāve probably built it much faster using any UI library, and all the roundtrips to dom with querySelector
, getAttribute
and others were a bit lost in my head.
It took me some time to research on the needed plugins to make headings and links to render and also to tweak everything in a <script>
tag. Some of that was from unnecessary complexity I made up as I tried to make several different implementations (as in highlight just one or several headings, what styles to add and so on), and in the end I went the simplest route:
- Highlight every
(provided wrapper byrehype-sectionize
) even remotely on the screen withIntersectionObserver
while account for headings margin like so:
1const header = document.querySelector("header");2const headerHeight = header ? header.offsetHeight : 0;3
4const observer = new IntersectionObserver(5 (sections) => {6 sections.forEach((section) => {7 const heading ="h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");8 if (!heading) return;9
10 const id = heading.getAttribute("id");11 const link = document.querySelector(`#toc li a[href="#${id}"]`);12
13 if (!link) return;14
15 link.classList[section.isIntersecting ? "add" : "remove"]("seeing");16 });17 },18 {19 rootMargin: `-${headerHeight}px 0px 0px 0px`,20 })21
22const sections = document.querySelectorAll(".prose section");23sections.forEach((section) => {24 observer.observe(section);25});26);
- Add intercepting smooth scroll to the links:
1const links = document.querySelectorAll(2 "#toc a[href^='#']",3) as NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>;4
5for (const link of links) {6 link.addEventListener("click", (event) => {7 event.preventDefault();8 const target = document.querySelector(link.href);9 target?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start" });10 });11}
- On mobile, do not add anything and render the block above the article. Maybe in the future I will add a button in the header to show it full-screen, but now it is just there.
As you can see now, this third block didnāt get into production, and thereās a button at the top of the screen. When writing this article, Iāve been looking at other peopleās blogs, and noticed that my design was very bloated, and I wanted to make it simpler. I made a button to close TOC so that it wouldnāt bother userās screen when it is not needed.
From that I figured that if you donāt know something, you will have a ton of ideas (or none, actually) how to build it, and may go into a deep rabbit hole of multiple decisions that do not work together. This especially hurts you if thereās many unknown things, so you get lost even more easily.
So, hereās what Iāve learned from that:
- See other people work and learn from it
- Plan, always!
- Dont break the plan just because you had a new idea š Think it thoroughly first
Sugarless cola
At the same time, I couldāve used preact
while having access to all React APIās just for 5-10kb final production bundle. This is achieved through preact/compat
compatibility layer described here.
While React is about 100kb in prod, this tradeoff wouldāve been minimal and less! Svelte
could also be an option, because it compiles to pure native JavaScript with a client payload of less than 10 kilobytes even! Using those tools, I couldāve made all these script blocks much easier with inbuilt reactivity. So, using a framework is not always an overhead! Sometimes you donāt want to querySelector
all your stuff..
Pushing that aside, when I was making , I had wanted to finally use some preact
. I heard about nanostores
and their lightweightness, and thought why not. But in the end, I figured having to import state management into my script tags everywhere was not much of a goal as I couldāve perfectly used MutationObserver
the same way I did it with theme picker. I just added a loop and switch statement to check what attribute changed:
1const observer = new MutationObserver((records) => {2 for (const record of records) {3 console.log(record.attributeName);4 switch (record.attributeName) {5 case "data-theme": {6 const theme = getDocumentTheme();7 if (!theme) return;8 const codeTheme = getCodeTheme(theme);9 document.documentElement.dataset.codeTheme = codeTheme;10 localStorage.setItem(THEME_KEY, theme);11 }12
13 case "data-config_width": {14 const configWidth = document.documentElement.dataset.config_width;15 if (!configWidth) return;16 localStorage.setItem(configKeys.width, configWidth);17 }18
19 case "data-config_font-size": {20 const configFontSize = document.documentElement.dataset["config_fontSize"];21 if (!configFontSize) return;22 localStorage.setItem(configKeys.fontSize, configFontSize);23 }24 }25 }26 });
The html part is about the same as ThemeDropdown
, just render all options and assign dataset
to them:
1---2import { Icon } from "@/components/react/Icon";3import { cn } from "@/lib/cn";4import { FontSizeLabelsMap, WidthSizeLabelsMap } from "./prose-config";5
6interface Props {7 class?: string;8 contentClassname?: string;9}10
11const { class: className, contentClassname } = Astro.props;12---13
14<div class={cn("dropdown dropdown-bottom dropdown-left", className)}>15 <div16 tabindex="0"17 role="button"18 class="btn btn-ghost btn-sm"19 aria-labelledby="prose-config-button"20 >21 <Icon className="text-xl la--cog" />22 <span class="sr-only" id="prose-config-button"> Open text configuration </span>23 </div>24 <ul25 tabindex="0"26 class={cn(27 "dropdown-content z-[1] w-[320px] flex flex-col gap-6 rounded-box mt-4 bg-base-100 p-3 shadow ring-2 ring-primary-content transition-all",28 contentClassname,29 )}30 >31 <li>32 <span class="mb-2 flex items-center gap-2 text-lg"33 ><span class="font-bold"> Text width</span>34 <Icon className="align-middle la--text-width" /></span35 >36 <div class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-2">37 {38 Object.entries(WidthSizeLabelsMap).map(([key, label]) => (39 <button data-value={key} class={cn("config-width-btn btn btn-ghost btn-sm")}>40 {label}41 </button>42 ))43 }44 </div>45 </li>46
47 <li>48 <!-- The same for font sizes -->49 </li>50 </ul>51</div>
Writing logic was very straightforward and repetetive:
1const widthButtons = document.querySelectorAll(2 ".config-width-btn",3 ) as NodeListOf<HTMLButtonElement>;4 for (const btn of widthButtons) {5 btn.addEventListener("click", () => {6 const value = btn.dataset.value;7 document.documentElement.dataset.config_width = value;8 });9 }10
11 const fontSizeButtons = document.querySelectorAll(12 ".config-fontSize-btn",13 ) as NodeListOf<HTMLButtonElement>;14 for (const btn of fontSizeButtons) {15 btn.addEventListener("click", () => {16 const value = btn.dataset.value;17 document.documentElement.dataset.config_fontSize = value;18 });19 }
And then Iāve screwed some css variables and have gotten pretty simple solution.I thought it would be okay to use is:global
, since ConfigDropdown
appears everywhere in navbar anyway, and it should be accompanied by them. It was easier to style buttons to be btn-active
with that. Tailwind is complicated in it, and I couldnāt make it work however I tried, even putting class="group/html"
at <html>
. It is pretty repetetive, but very simple and contained in one place:
1<style is:global>2 html[data-config_width="sm"] {3 --article-width: 55ch;4
5 .config-width-btn[data-value="sm"] {6 @apply btn-active;7 }8 }9
10 html[data-config_width="def"] {11 --article-width: 65ch;12
13 .config-width-btn[data-value="def"] {14 @apply btn-active;15 }16 }17
18 html[data-config_width="lg"] {19 --article-width: 75ch;20
21 .config-width-btn[data-value="lg"] {22 @apply btn-active;23 }24 }25
26 html[data-config_font-size="sm"] {27 .article-body {28 @apply prose-sm;29 }30
31 .config-fontSize-btn[data-value="sm"] {32 @apply btn-active;33 }34 }35
36 html[data-config_font-size="def"] {37 .config-fontSize-btn[data-value="def"] {38 @apply btn-active;39 }40 }41
42 html[data-config_font-size="lg"] {43 .article-body {44 @apply prose-lg;45 }46
47 .config-fontSize-btn[data-value="lg"] {48 @apply btn-active;49 }50 }51</style>
So, when choosing a technology, donāt bother much (unless explicitly very much required) with all the intricacies of bundle size, because you must make it simple and get it working first. And when youāre done, you can optimize it anyways.
Golden tickets out of chocolate
Letās talk about something else..
For users to discover my content, I wanted to make two features:
- A paginated blog to āencounterā content, which you could find at this page
- A global search bar to āprecisely look forā content
It would be openable from anywhere and would give user ability to search for any content or keyword.
A global search might be done in backend, but when you have few articles that do not have much content, I donāt think the investment in Algolia
is worth it.
While Astro provides API for pagination out of the box, the search is handled by separate libraries.
Coming from Astro docs, I found myself before two choices: pagefind
and fuse.js
I have tried Fuse.js
and it worked well, but pagefind
seemed more feature-rich: it provided exact text excerpts, while with Fuse I was limited to just showing simple cards, and also filtering, sorting and so on.
is a Rust
-based static search artifacts generator. It makes resources to search at build-time and an API to call this search from the client. While blazingly-fast sounds cool, at first, I find it difficult because of the cumbersome way to load WASM
bundle, artifacts and client-side API that is working through window
binding. First, you need to generate it all, then put it in a public folder so you can import js client and so on..
Gladly, there was this library and it was possible to integrate pagefind with Astro in few clicks. It provides a Vite
plugin to incorporate already built pagefind index into dev runtime. And images donāt work in dev, but its amendable.
I had some tinkering, mostly struggling with indexing & assets loading. For the lib to work, you need to build your project first, and then it would load pagefind script with Vite.
For pagefind
to index my pages correctly (I wanted it to index only blog posts), I added data-pagefind-body
to my blog post container, so only blog post pages would be indexed:
1<div data-pagefind-body>2 <h1 class="mx-auto mb-4 mt-4 w-fit text-6xl font-extrabold">3 {}4 </h1>5 <!-- ... -->
And with that I had to hide code blocks from being indexed, because they show ugly in the search results and add line numbers to the index. I think it is enough to have search terms as a text.Here, expressive-code
ās plugin API came to rescue again:
1import { type ExpressiveCodePlugin } from "@expressive-code/core";2import { setProperty } from "@expressive-code/core/hast";3
4export interface PluginIgnoreIndex {}5
6declare module "@expressive-code/core" {7 export interface ExpressiveCodeBlockProps extends PluginIgnoreIndex {}8}9
10export function pluginIgnoreIndex(): ExpressiveCodePlugin {11 return {12 name: "Ignore index",13
14 hooks: {15 postprocessRenderedBlock: ({ renderData }) => {16 // I hid all code blocks, because article's text is sufficient to note about technology17 // plus to that, code blocks are not much readable in search results18 setProperty(renderData.blockAst, "data-pagefind-ignore", "all");19 },20 },21 };22}
To render <Search>
component, I made two components: <SearchTrigger>
and <SearchDialog>
. The first one is a button that opens the search modal, which I put in the navbar, while the second one is a modal that is opened with dialog
Here, I made a mistake like the one with the <head>
before. At first, I placed dialog
in the body, but in the wrong place: right below my navbar. It was a critical mistake, as it slowed initial load time immensely, so I moved it lower, below <Footer>
1<body class="flex flex-col px-3 md:px-1">2 <Navbar>3 <slot name="navbar" slot="default" />4 </Navbar>5
6 <main class={cn("h-0 flex-1", mainClassname)}>7 <slot />8 </main>9 <Footer />10
11 <SearchDialog /> <!-- Here -->12</body>
Remember the part where I told you to wait few paragraphs for follow-up? Well, there it is. Apparently, <Search>
component was importing CSS and JavaScript bundle of @pagefind/default-ui
library statically. In dev mode it meant that in network tab a row with almost 1 megabyte of JavaScript would appear.
In production, it would be about 200kb, but the library loads @pagefind/default-ui
ās css always, which added some kilobytes to CSS bundle. I had ripped my hair out since my perfectionism and child-playing got the best of me, and even wrote a Vite
plugin to remove css and js from @pagefind/default-ui
package when the app started and loaded it later with import()
statements! But that made everything worse and was sure as hell not worth it š to save few kb.
The punchline is that when I was almost trying to publish the website and release the article, tweet and post to reddit like a newly famous internet celebrity, I noticed that my dialog with search was completely mangled on mobile and I couldnāt even use it. So, I spent some three or four hours to remove an issue that wasnāt there, while my app wasnāt working! Ridiculous!
Of course, such excitement could spur productivity and enthusiasm towards something new, but its important to not overdo it. Do not remove your axios
when starting a new project because youāve heard of ky
or redaxios
, you could always replace it later. Do not start a project in a brandy-new Bun environment with fully-fledged alpha framework running its campaign on Tweeter. Think about what brings value to the user of your app, and after youāve delivered that, sprinkle it with any confetti you want. At least, thatās what I would tell myself every day from now on! š¹
Storing wine
When I was looking for inspiration, I stumbled again upon Josh Comeauās website. It had this heart button with sound effects and my urge to steal was like never before. You may have seen the result of this, angry, or maybe happy now. to see him! My personal orange! š
This guy is needed for the purpose of bullying out like clicks from people, there is no mistake. But how to store anything over one client session in a static website? There were two ways.
One way was to convert my app to a hybrid
one. That meant setting a config option like so:
1output: "hybrid",
With that turned out, Astro would spit Node
scripts with web-server instead of purely static HTML
pages all on their own, which would grant me an opportunity to setup a database connector and not leave the boundaries of my project to make a separate backend. Hereās the file structure for that:
I implemented all that, and it was working nice: API routes, Prisma, cool! But, I noticed a weird bug or maybe just a consequence of using Node builds: My app was loading so much CSS! I was wondering why my app would load 130kb of it, while Astro stated that Netflixās Tailwind website only weighs eight.
Here, I took the route of running away from the problem instead of understanding it. I outsourced trying to figure it out when I created a topic in Astro discord server and foolishly started playing around again. I really wanted to experiment with making a free separate backend! And that child spirit got the best of me.
The issue was that Astro does not compress static assets while running in non-static output modes. I think thatās because it is more reasonable to use hosting or reverse-proxy resources to gzip prebuilt content itself. So, in production environment my app was the same size in all modes.
I will declare my journey with separate backend anyway as it is not a long one, plus includes interesting shenanigans with Prisma, Kysely and Next.js.
Poor manās bread
I hosted it all on Vercel
, because it is easyto publish any hobby project of yours for free there. Just host on Github, link it in dashboard and get free CI/CD, probably not the worst domain name according to your project name if its unique enough (last minute I decided to grab the current domain at Namecheap, since it was, well, cheap), SSL is handled for you and so on. Free plan is awesome!
And as I found out, Vercel could host your backend as Serverless functions
. You may make a Node.js project from their template or you can just deploy a Next.js
app with Route handlers
. These are just HTTP verbs exported from app/api
folder in the latest Next versions and you could write them like so:
1export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic'2export async function GET(request: Request) {3 return new Response("hello world")4}
So, opening /api
route in the app would return hello world
It opens a possibility to host a free backend, but with a catch. Serverless means that there are some server resources being allocated and deallocated depending on the load automatically. Vercel would boot containers when request comes up and remove them after a time when there is no more requests coming up.
Serverless approach holds many benefits, but some disadvantages too. For one, to boot up new containers with long startup times, you would need to wait for a longer cold start
times. And as Iāve heard, Prisma
, my beloved ORM is not good at those as it ships with Rust binary. Prisma team have fixed some of it, I guess, but I wanted to use some other ORM instead.
For that I choose kysely
which is a very lightweight and handy to use SQL query-builder. It doesnāt manage migrations, so I have setup Prisma alongside it too just for the purpose of syncing schema and client types. Gladly, there is a generator
for making Kysely types out of Prisma schemas.
Kysely queries look like this, enabling very flexible query building, even with complex joins, aggregate functions and more:
1const updatePost = async (post: Updateable<Post>, postId: string) => {2 return db3 .updateTable("posts")4 .set(post)5 .where("id", "=", postId)6 .returningAll()7 .executeTakeFirst();8};
Locally I used docker-compose
to run postgres
easily with one command:
1services:2 db:3 image: postgres:15.14 restart: always5 environment:6 POSTGRES_USER: postgres7 POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres8 POSTGRES_DB: postgres9 ports:10 - 5432:543211 volumes:12 - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql13 healthcheck:14 test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready"]15 interval: 10s16 timeout: 5s17 retries: 518
19volumes:20 db_data:
For remote hosting I choose supabase
as it provides free hosting for postgres
. I couldāve chosen other providers, even Vercel itself, but I didnāt see any difference anyway, since all I want is just a free db for few records tops.
To glue it all together, I also had to switch default locations of supabase and both my hosts on Vercel to one region, so there would not be a lot of latency.
I wouldnāt go into a complete implementation of all that, since its a pretty basic stuff. If youāre interested, you can check out the code for the backend in this repo.
Gordon Ramsay show
The last partās gonna be about cosmetic and useful things I screwed into the website as a icing on the cake.
I was intersted to dive deep into documentation for SEO. For a long time I thought it to be very abstract and far away from me, but as Iād seen my knowledge gap, I wanted to close it, just a bit. So, hereās the new tools Iāve learned about:
Performance and adaptivity matters most. At final steps of this project, I have even removed images from blog posts, because it smoothed loading times so much. Blogs should not be about much cosmetic, but rather about content. And as it is very easy to make text content fluid and very fast in HTML, it is also easy to stamp a lot of features to make it load 10 seconds and fail all Lighthouse audits. Look at this fella. It is sure perfect.
Do some testing with Lighthouse. It has helped me to figure out where I messed up my accessibility. For example links, which is a very important part of SEO ranking your site higher. I havenāt included labels for screenreaders on icon buttons, have used bad link names, didnāt add
on external ones, and so on. It also pointed some performance issues. And at the end it gave me some dopamine with all 100ās scores š But do not overdo it. Sometimes its better to not have it all perfect.
I did not reap those accessibility rewards, and I donāt know anyone personally who would use a screen reader, but at least consider another user who would use tab key for the sake of switching between buttons. Do not make links as
s. Do not make buttons as<div>
s withouttabindex="0"
. And please, use<dialog>
for modals, or at least think about what would happen, if user presses tab inside of them. Also, donāt forget about contrast, it is quite important to read, yāknow. -
Look at network tab and performance tabs. Slow down your requests to slow 4g or even 3g and check how your site behaves under these conditions. Does it load fast, what content pops up first? Have you added
to your big image so that there would not be a huge Largest Contentful Paint? Inperformance
tab you could even slow down processor speeds artificially to see how website would perform on lower-grade devices like mobiles.
Make unique content. Some people claim AI can write for them - itās cool, but you should also write yourself, improve and cultivate style and taste.
If you can't think of something to write about something, then you should not be writing
. Do not write just for the sake of showing anything at all. At least tell how you feel. For example, after this Daniel Roeās short story I got pretty sad, but understood many things. So he healed me a bit, even though he didnāt know me. Thatās probably because he healed himself with it at the time of writing, and thatās what makes this post real. -
Add RSS feed.
I like them. And they are everywhere. Its not a mail newsletter in a sense that its not so advanced that you would track your readerās email and audience count, but it is simple andmany people use them to get updates
about your blog. -
Spend time delivering features and gathering feedback
. It is the most important step. You are making content for others, and as youāre writing and (of course you do) putting yourself in shoes of your audience, you must give them something worthwhile instead of polishing the button for 10 hours that would break on the next commit anyway because youāre human. -
Do not forget about important meta tags like
. Research how favicons work (but you will be terrified!). Also, you could addOpenGraph
tags for making articles attractive for social networks. These are added withog:[image]
meta tags, for example:<meta property="og:title"> My great post! </meta>
In the end, I want to say that making this blog and writing this article was quite unveiling to me in many senses. I had seen once again in much bigger light that my obssessions about performance and idealism take the best of me. All the preliminary optimizations were for trying to conceal my imperfections and inability to make every feature and make it perfect as I am limited.
After that, I have acknowledged that building something and investing yourself in life as a participant makes you better human being just because you have to see who you really are, which you maybe wonāt because you donāt want to and thereās nothing to push you to it. Setting goals, keeping promises given to yourself, doing real work, following the idea that your mind originated to its end - thatās what Iāve been lacking greatly as a developer.
I have tried making some apps, but infinitely, I have become a slouch who was making forms over and over and over again without taking greater challenges or abandoning my dreams when they became a little bit harder than I expected them to. Of course, there were challenges, and I have grown from them too, but while I didnāt see who am I turning into - folder mover (architect), button painter (ui designer), frameworkista (qualified specialist), I actually became worse. When simplicity was required, I was trying to over-complicate, because I thought thatās what smart developers do. Like that picture:
But smart developers actually make everything simple. You do not become a senior out of making another cool Singleton Factory Static Abstract Facade Dependency Injected Service AWS Serverless Kafka provider
. Seniors want it to be just a little pack of ifās and whileās, because they already understood that you could write infinite amount of code, but only so much of it matters.
Astro is a great framework and a good learning resource for those who may find themselves in web development space. If you open the docs open-minded and build something yourself, try to see what tools you use, what code you write and how it actually works under the hood, what assets load and not, why is it better to have it this way. You will feel much better. Donāt hurry - and it will pay out in the end š±
Thanks for reading!